Hello everyone! 

It’s been a long time! Well this day marks the last day of my spring break… This week has been very relaxing as I have done absolutely nothing, but in a good way! I mostly watched Criminal Minds on Netflix and rode my bike outside. 

Thursday and Friday however were the most fun filled days of this week since my family and I went on a long road trip to Mystic, Connecticut! We stayed at a very nice hotel that also served free breakfast, but that’s something for later. We have been to Mystic a couple of times already and thus we know the best ocean view spots and places to eat. This time we walked around downtown Mystic, which is by their famous drawbridge. We walked around and when we decided we were hungry enough we headed to a new restaurant we wanted to try “Red 36“. So, since I recently got my driving permit my dad allowed me to slowly and carefully drive us there! It was so much fun and I am getting pretty good at it! When we got there we found out that apparently there would be an hour wait even though we had called earlier and they told us that we wouldn’t have to wait, which was really disappointing. However, we didn’t have to wait the whole hour and rather just half an hour. We were seated and we tried many different kinds of platters. We had the mac n’ cheese lobster, the fried calamari, the crab cake, some shrimp and 2 plates of fish and chips.🍤🦐 Everything was very tasty except the crab cake which I didn’t like at all because it had a weird texture and taste, however my brother and dad actually enjoyed it. In addition one of the fish and chips plate was undercooked and had a weird taste that later gave me a stomach ache but other than those two facts everything else was great! Afterwards we had to walk off that feast so we could make some room for dessert from the famous Mystic Drawbridge Ice Cream, which you must have guessed was right next to the drawbridge. My mom got a salted caramel ice cream, my brother chocolate, my dad soft swerve of half chocolate and half vanilla and I got lemon with chocolate chips.🍨🍦 From what they told me my mom and brother really liked their ice cream but my dad is not an ice cream fan so he didn’t really like his. I really liked mine and was proud of myself for actually trying something new instead of getting cookies n’ cream as always… 😂 In the end we returned to our hotel where we went into a food coma… 

The next day we visited a beach nearby and my mom and I walked it up and down collecting many seashells!!! We even found a few big ones! 

This was one of my favorite break vacation and I am really looking forward to probably visiting Mystic once again during the summer!!! 

Also, since today is Easter for many HAPPY EASTER!!! 🐰🐣 The Greek Easter is next Sunday so I will be writing more about that next week! 

How did you spend your Easter break? Let me know in the comments!! 😊