Hey everyone.
The end of September is coming and so are the falling leaves, the stormy weather, the cool winds and the constant rain. All this making me miss summer-time even more! I totally forgot to share with you all how I spent my summer.
I went back home to Greece for a month and visited my friends and family. It was so nice to be back after so long. I had missed my house, my neighborhood, the gorgeous beaches, my friends and most definitely, the food.
We also spent some time in Cyprus with my aunt and uncle and I got to see my cousins!
Greece is stunning and I often miss it but I am extremely glad that I am able to visit it as much as I can!
Our summer kind of looked like this: We would wake up and go to the beach, play around, swim in the clear blue lukewarm water, build sandcastles in the warm sand and look for fish with our goggles. During this time my brother was my best friend. We did everything together. I always force him to go to the deep end of the beach with me because that is where all the fish and sea-turtles are as well as the shells. If you didn’t already know I will tell you know. I absolutely ADORE collecting shells. Every time I go to the beach I will take at least a handful with me. After the beach we would go home eat and rest. Then at night we would always go into town and walk around, window shop or even walk by the seaside and watch the sunset. Then we would go home and watch a movie until it was time for bed and then the whole process would repeat.
I am not a huge fan of repetitiveness but I never get bored of going to the beach. I could stay in the water for hours. Diving, looking for fish and shells and swimming around. Another reason I really love going to Greece, other than the fact that I was born there is petting and hanging out with all the stray cats. I have never been a huge cat person but the more I grow up the more I become fond of them. I still would love to have a pet dog, preferably a Husky or a German Shepperd, but I don’t mind being around cats at all.
I am so excited for next summer and I really hope I get to visit again and this time for a little while longer. It is kind of strange to say this but I have never been to a Greek island. I know every time I say I am from Greece people ask which island I am from but I notice they are always a little disappointed when I say I am from the Athens which is the mainland, rather than one of those aesthetic and super famous islands. However, I would never be ashamed of where I come from. I think every place is special in its own way and I love Athens with all of my heart and I always will!