Hey everyone!!

It’s been a long time since junior year of high school ended but I couldn’t let senior year start without telling you about something incredible. I do not believe I would ever get to say this but my forensics final was actually extremely fun. I can imagine how amused you must be by hearing that I actually enjoyed taking a final but I truly did.

This year (junior year of high school) I was able to take a College Forensics class taught by an AMAZING teacher: Mr. Rubins. This class was definitely eventful and it did push me to my limits like no other class could. It taught me that team work is very important and that practice makes perfect. Mr. Rubins was an amazing teacher that allowed us to explore all aspects of forensic science and passed along his passion of the subject through his teachings.

During this course we learned a lot of stuff that we could actually apply to our everyday life. Topics like arson taught us to be careful with the appliances we use and just like Mr. Rubins said, not to buy cheap dollar tree extension cords just to save money because they can actually hurt you. Teaching us about all the identification methods that exist out there and how easily you can be traced to everything and anything that you did can also be a very eye-opening experience. DNA profiling, other kinds of background checks and even Ancestry tests can always lead back to you and allows for others who are searching for you to find you easier. Not only that in this class we were also able to study many cases and put to application all the information we had learned. Learning about the CSI effect that jurors may be influence by was also very cool but also scary to think that TV shows that are definitely not always real and do not use real facts in most cases can actually heavily influence juror’s perspectives on matters. In addition, our Crime Sketching Unit definitely taught me how to read a tape measurer because I kind of did not know how to read one before this class!!

Overall, this amazing class ended with a mock crime scene to study and analyze for our final along with a 20-minute presentation according to the way we analyzed the crime scene. I will add some pictures below but I simply wanted to say that this final put my knowledge to a test and while it was definitely stressful it taught me a lot and it made me appreciate and take in everything that I learned throughout the school year.

I would definitely recommend taking a forensics class even just for fun and to give a special thank you to my amazing teacher Mr. Rubins who will probably not see this post but I would just want to let him know what a wonderful job he has done teaching this amazing class!