Today was the Halloween Window Painting Project Paint Day!! I was really thrilled to collaborate on the Project with the NRBID and the City of New Rochelle, NY.  During this project student artists from the NRHS PAVE Art and Art Honor Society painted multiple windows across the city.

For this project we were expected to come up with a Halloween themed drawing for our window paintings. We had approximately 5 hours to complete our paintings and we were supplied with paint brushes, paints, tape and other art supplies we needed.

At first I was very anxious because I had never painted a window before and I was afraid it wasn’t going to come out good. However as I kept painting and when I was finally done I was pretty satisfied and awed by my work and how good it had come out.

You should definitely try window painting sometime! It is a very entertaining and interesting experience.  If you have tried window painting tell me what you drew in the comments below!!