May 1st was Greek Easter.

In Greece we have a tradition where on Easter day we crack red dyed eggs. This is called tsougrisma (τσούγκρισμα των αυγών) and it is a traditional challenge where you tap the end of your egg against your opponents egg, trying to crack it. This year my dad was able to beat all of us. Today we also ate a lot of meat, especially lamb, to represent the Lamb of God and other Greek traditional food such as spanakopita or also known as spinach pie and mayeiritsa (μαγειρίτσα), which is a Greek soup made from lamb and some call it “Easter soup” or “Easter Sunday soup”.

My mom and I also baked a delicious Greek pastry called tsoureki (τσουρέκι) which is a very tasty Greek sweet bread. We were able to make three whole sweet breads and I am sure it will take us till next Easter to finish them!

How did you spend your Easter? Does your family have ay traditions of their own? If so comment down below!