Little late for this but on November 1 it was my sixteenth birthday!! WOW! Amazing how I have been on this planet for a whole 16 years. I was so glad to spend such an important day with my mom, dad and brother and I am really thankful for all they have done and keep ding for me every second of every hour of every single day of my life. I am so grateful that I have such a kind, caring, loving and funny family and I would do anything and everything for them.

Well let me actually get into how my birthday weekend was actually like. So stating with Friday thankfully my teachers didn’t assign too much homework and I didn’t have to study for a lot of tests so I knew that this weekend I wouldn’t have to be closed in my room over my computer. Well Saturday morning came and me and my family hang out and then we went out for lunch to “Pete’s Tavern” at Bronxville, New York. We got to sit outside because it was a sunny and wonderful day. The food there was AMAZINGLY DECICIOUS (if that’s a word haha) and then we went to a cookie and ice cream shop called “Cookie’s and Cream” and me and my brother got ice cream and a bunch of Nutella filled cookies which were really good and gooey. Then we went home and watched movies and played games for the rest of the night.

Then on Sunday we again went to the infamous Bronxville, which became our favorite little town since there are so many different shops and food places in a small place. Anyways, we went there and had lunch at the “Haiku Asian Bistro” and what surprised me most was the spicy crab filled sushi roll which was not spicy at all and actually delicious and the best sushi I have ever had! My family thought so too and so we got so many of them!! Then we again went to the “Cookies and Cream” shop and me and my brother got ice cream again and I tried a new flavor which was called “Creamsicle ” (i am not completely sure how it is spelled). When I tell you I was stunned… I WAS STUNNED! It is the best food I have ever put in my mouth. I really can’t describe to you what I felt but it was something similar to that one scene from Ratatouille where Remy gives Emile cheese and tomato to try together and he sees so many different colors jumping out in the darkness when he closes his eyes. Well it was something similar to that. I can confidently say that creamsicle is my all time favorite ice cream flavor and I am a HUGE ice cream lover even though I might be lactose intolerant. Anyways I would do ANYTHING for ice cream. 😂🍨🍦🍧 This day was also Halloween which is probably my favorite or second favorite holiday. In Greece we don’t have this holiday so when we first came to America I absolutely fell in love with it. From our first Halloween here my dad has been painting my face and he did so this year but he also did my brothers’ and they came out AMAZINGGGG!! He is very good at face painting and he really likes it too which I think is very cool! Me and my brother didn’t go for that long since he got tired which is fine because he is really young however in the two hours we were out we almost got five whole pounds of candy!! We are still eating it to this day.

Finally my birthday was on a Monday. Which kind of sucked since it was our first day back to in-person school because my school had flooded from the hurricane. I was not that excited but I was glad to see my friends and new teachers and walk around the huge building. When I got back from school my family was waiting for me and we cut my cheesecake which was very very very good. I was very surprised as my parents told me that the place was not that trustworthy. Maybe that’s why people say “don’t judge a book by its cover”. Then at night we made chicken nuggets, hot dogs and spring rolls and watched a movie.

This was my favorite birthday of all time! I had such an amazing time and I really hope my family had fun too!!

How about you? What do you did on your last birthday or what are you planning to do? I would love to hear about it, comment it down below!!