HEY EVERYONE!! I hope you all had an AMAZING thanksgiving and had fun with family and friends! This time I’m not late which is kind of surprising!πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜

Yesterday my family and I went to New York city! We didn’t actually see the Macy’s parade but we experienced the effect it had on the traffic. πŸ˜’ However we didn’t let the traffic mess up our mood and we instead walked around and went inside the Grand Central Station for the first time! It was so big and pretty and the ceiling had amazing constellations! This is off the topic but if you have visited the Grand Central Station have you ever notice the hole on the ceiling? Well I did and today found out the story behind it! Here it is:

According to a quick google search at:Β  https://www.rockettes.com/blog/hidden-secrets-in-new-york-citys-grand-central-terminal/

“The hole dates to 1957, when the U.S. government installed a Redstone rocket into Grand Central to be put on display, as way of exhibiting showiness to counter the Soviet Union’s launch of Sputnik, the first artificial Earth satellite. The hole was created to make way for stabilizing cables (a common misconception is that it was too tall and pierced a hole in the iconic ceiling); it now stands as a testament to both the station’s longevity and its central place in the American imagination.” Pretty cool huh? Yeah I didn’t know that either… but now I do and so do you!

Anyways, after that my family and I wanted to go take a look at the One Vanderbilt museum but it was sold out of tickets. We then walked around NYC trying to find a good place to eat but everything was closed because it was Thanksgiving. I didn’t mind the walking because I really love NY and I find it amazing especially when you are walking in it and passing all the shops and seeing all the different kinds of people! We finally decided to go to a place called “Dim Sum Palace” and even though it didn’t have amazing looks the foods was FANTASTIC! Probably the best Dim Sum I have ever had. We of course ordered wontons and spring rolls with shrimp and many other stuff but what surprised me the most was the pad Thai noodles. I absolutely loved them and the meat in them. If you didn’t know already I am a big fan of noodles and pasta and these were by far the best noodles I have had in my life! My family thought so too and imagine how good and surprised we were when the food came we didn’t even take any pictures of it! But I promise you if we go again I will post them here! After we ate we walked on 5th avenue and passed by “Saks” which is the store that makes the best decorations for their windows on Christmas. Sadly the Rockefeller tree wasn’t lit up but it was fine! We are probably going to pass by again at a time that it is open. After that we went to an ice cream store called “Anita Gelato Factory”. It had a really beautify display of their ice cream flavors and toppings and had many types of cones and toppings to chose from. It also allowed sampling of he ice cream which was very helpful! I got two flavors but I fell in love with the one called: cheesecake caramel cookie. It was BOMBB haha!

We finally went home after a day full of walking and eating and watched a movie and then went to sleep! I had such an amazing time with my family and I am very grateful to be healthy and have such a fun and nice family! I really hope you had an amazing thanksgiving too! If you want you can tell me all about it and how you spent your day in the comments below! I can’t wait to hear from you! See you next time! 😊